Who Con proudly supports The Pegasus Rising Project through our at-convention charity auction, and other community events. Pegasus Rising is a small all-volunteer group that employs rescued horses as therapy animals for U.S. military veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
“Our herd’s history of abuse enables them to closely mirror, and be empathetic to, the energy and anxieties exhibited by all types of persons who have been exposed to violence–whether they be military members or civilians. Participants learn by interacting with the horses as equals from the ground up, rather than through riding or other forms of domination.”
Pegasus Rising is unique from most non-profits, as every dollar donated goes directly toward caring for the herd. Presently not one penny of the public donations received is spent on salaries or other administrative expenses. Their all-volunteer staff cares for the herd mornings and evenings daily, while a leadership team of pro-bono business and equine professionals oversees development of the organization, and its programs.
Who Con’s goal is to raise funds to help feed and maintain the Pegasus herd, and to help raise awareness of this wonderful veterans’ therapy program.
For more information on the Pegasus Rising Project, visit their Website or Facebook page.
Or check out this short video about Pegasus Rising.